Registration Form

Implants of Excellence – Registration Form

Dear POLYTECH patient,

thank you for choosing POLYTECH implants.
Welcome to IMPLANTS OF EXCELLENCE programme registration page.
Please fill in all of the details below. Make sure you register within the first six month of your surgery.

Before registering, be sure to have your Implant Passport ready for your Implant(s) REF and SN numbers. All of the details should be available in your POLYTECH implant passport (provided to you by your surgeon after your surgery).

If you have successfully completed your submission you will receive a confirmation email.
Only after this step and if everything is correct, we will confirm your registration by sending you the registration package consisting of:

  • Your digital Welcome Letter
  • Your digital Patient Passport
  • Your Certificate

*Only the patients themselves can register their implants. Registrations filled by the hospital, clinic or surgeons do not qualify for the IMPLANTS OF EXCELLENCE programme. You can register your implants only once. If you have a left and a right implant. You need to register both implants together in one form.